Tuesday, December 1, 2015

It's been a Week

It has, it has. 

I didn't ride on Wednesday evening; I made pie and cheesecake instead for Thanksgiving. I then got up and was going to go ride, but lost motivation and ended up watching a movie. 

Thanksgiving was uneventful, but the long weekend was nice. I rode on Friday, and then Sunday, and am planning a trip out again tonight. We've been continuing the routine of groundwork - bridle - ride and things aren't awful. The B has been putting out some good work after some initial time being stressed and worried and not focused. I've been shamelessly using Foxie when Drew is lunging her - we go in circles around the lungers and Bailey feeds off her energy... or I do... or she's distracted by horse on a lunge line and is better behaved. 

Sunday was a particularly nice day - I swapped to riding in Foxie's new Philippe Fontaine Deauville since I feel like an idiot two-pointing in my dressage saddle (and it needs to be cleaned and conditioned). I like the balance more for the work I'm doing, and like the security of the double block. It's not as perfectly balanced as my Vision, but it's also lighter and more appropriate for flatwork because my leg isn't so far out in front of me. While the groundwork started out kind of rough, as did the riding, she came around and rallied really nicely to do some real work. We did some flying changes (jumping a cone because Bailey can't change her lead without a catalyst) and I really feel like the change is there, and really nice - she just can't figure out that I'm asking her to change the hind as well as the front. It's an ongoing project - in the mean time, she still has a nice simple change, even if I dislike the idea of doing simples in the show jumping ring. 

We put the girls in their medium weights with the neck covers on Friday, and I was happy with the timing - it was chilly and then it snowed early yesterday morning and was still kind of going this morning - it makes me happy to know the girls are warm and dry in their good coats. Bailey may not care, but Foxie certainly does. 

We also got our Farmily photos back with the girls - I'll post some more later, but here's a favorite (despite BB being a turd): 

Hopefully she makes up for making that face with more good work and fewer mental meltdowns!

Note: I actually resisted horse-related Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals - I got myself a knee brace, and there is horse stuff on my Christmas list, but I didn't buy them anything yet! They're getting a HUGE amount of cookies and peppermints from their Dad, so I need to come up with a few small things to get them for their stockings (in part because 5 lb bags of peppermints don't come close to fitting in them). 

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