Thursday, September 26, 2019

We're Still Here!

The blog of late has been quiet; it gets that way, in the summer, when you have a million things on your to-do list - and mow for approximately 6 hours every damn weekend. And things haven't been exciting, no big news, no big changes. So I guess I'm just checking in to say we still exist.

I have been riding. And for the most part, it's been good or great. We haven't had a lot of goals in riding, lately, but Bailey is improving in her ability to go straight, punctuated by generally great jump schools, and Arya is showing off how light and lovely she can  be, in between being her usual Arya-ish self. 

The mares have seen the saddle fitter, and I'm now shopping for a new dressage saddle. It breaks my heart to list my Vision dressage for sale, as I have invested so much love, time and effort into restoring it and bringing it back to it's proper, beautiful state. It's truly a beautiful, comfortable saddle, but alas, when your saddle is curvy and your horses are flat, not much can be done. As an aside, if you know someone shopping for a really cool dressage saddle - or someone selling a two tone dressage saddle that is wide and generally flat front to back, hit me up.

The pasture adventure has gone 1000% better this year, as, shockingly, has the whole "hay" thing. It's been a tough year with high prices, and I am so very, very fortunate to have gotten two cuts. That, combined with what I have leftover from last year, means I am set for the winter. 

As the weather is starting to feel like fall, we've settled in for a quiet, if busy month. I'm continuing to experiment with Arya trying to work through some of her issues and get her back on track and hopefully keep her in work this winter, and my fall plans to XC school and play are on hold, at least temporarily, while I wait for the brake line to get fixed on my hauling truck. I'm hoping to squeeze in a few more projects yet this year (preferably to fill the weeks until I can go jump the jumpies); mainly putting in fill around the barn and putting up some gutters, because suddenly its rainy and I'm remembering how damp the barn can get when water comes in under the doors... or like last winter/spring.... under the walls. Eyeroll. 

So... we're still here. I'm quiet, but nothing is wrong. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out gifs and be able to show off some riding, and some trial saddles, once I'm able to saddle shop more actively. I'm looking pretty hard at Thornhill, but I'm wishing I could find something really special that suits my budget. Anyone have any suggestions for affordable, yet awesome dressage saddles? 

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