Tuesday, February 10, 2015

First Ride Post Move!

We're moved! Officially! WHOO!

I had a migraine on Sunday when I was planning to go to the barn and do a deep groom/ride session on both of my mares, so I went last night. I about died from cute at the greeting Bailey gave me - Foxie even popped her head out of her stall! My babies missed me. Bailey whickered and pressed her face up against the bars of her stall like she wanted to give me a kiss. Sweet girl.

I saddled her up pretty hurriedly and noticed that she has begun shedding (ALREADY?!) so that will be delightful to deal with for the next month. Luckily I had the good foresight to lunge her - she actually back cracking, major booty air time bucked on the line for me! And bolted, and spooked, and passaged, and played and pranced and was generally a show and a half. She was nice and quiet under saddle, surprisingly and seemed happy to be back to work. She was majorly missing her collected to extended trot but she was also very nicely forward, supple and when I held my outside rein actually kept her shoulder straight. I was so happy! Half halting into spooky situations where she wants to throw the shoulder and dive to the inside and then holding her to the outside rein contact actually kept her spooks from happening, almost. I think she needs a consistent program, and some jumping time.

I filled feed, forgot my supplements (bad horse mommy!) and groomed the Fox, who is shedding like a demon, as well. So. Much. Hair. And her mane is out of control. I just want to shave the whole beastie - maybe she wouldn't be so itchy then? Foxmonster made some very happy faces while I groomed her and seemed content to have her hairy ass blanket back on. I snuck them some extra hay, desperately tried to reglue the repairs on Bailey's medium and brought her heavy home to repair, as well. I feel like I might need to hand stitch the patches on with something heavy duty, as the adhesive sucks and the edges are lifting and sticking to themselves on the patches. Hopefully I can develop a good system, as I'd rather not trash these blankets as of yet - why bother buying new ones if they will just get torn and repaired, too?! Hopefully they hold up for the time being and I can get my repairing on this summer, when it's a little more tolerable to sit in the garage and sew blankets.

My plan for the rest of the week is to be opportunistic and set jumps when I can (note to self, bring jump saddle) and hopefully hop on the Fox monster. They both need good groomings and some attention paid to their manes, too. It's time to get back into the swing of things for showing this summer!

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