Monday, March 2, 2015

In Which Ponies Do Things

So I haven't had a legit update in... weeks. Sorry about that.

Feb 13 - BB jump schooled and was a silly baby. However, she can (still) jump the moon and I love her. Foxie also go lunged! By the boyfriend!

Feb 16 - BB does dressage, and attempts to buck me off. She nearly runs into a wall in the process, naughty brat. Her leg yielding is SO on par, though, so DANG, girl.

Feb 19 - I think we farted around that day. BB got ridden that's all that matters.

Feb 21 - Drew was gone at drill, so BB got a full dressage ride and Foxie did, too. BB is still naughty as all get out, and Foxie is an angel.

Feb 24 - BB did some fitness gallop sets in a VERY dusty indoor in an attempt to tire her out. She attempts to buck me off cantering down the long wall and also does some fancy simple changes and leg yields. While she doesn't seem particularly beat after this, she is, apparently.

Feb 27 - I'm a bad girlfriend and mooch the boyfriend into coming out with me. He sets up a version of the Lucinda Green Run-And-Jump and some barrels and BB has a ball being very silly. She jumps the barrels as a double, then a single, then two singles wide and its very steerable and awesome. She does, however, crash through our oxer, making me realize I'm holding her face too much (in my defense, I'm trying to prevent bolting in the corners...) and I make her do some work without my help. We move the oxer out to a (albeit tight) 2 stride, and finally I send her through clean with a long one and call it a night.

March 1 - BB does dressage, and still is an odd mix of super frisky and also le tired because we aren't actually fit. She does her usual collection to extension at the trot and loses her shoulders at the canter. We keep the expectations easy and once she is quieter in the bridle and going forward / staying upright in her shoulder around turns, we call it a day. The Foxmonster gets ridden and looks super awesome when being lunged. She's still a little hop-ey on the small circles, but in general is a delight and doesn't get over excited when being ridden and start being naughty.

We're sort of back in a pattern after a lot of family drama, weather fuckery and oh, you know, general adulting. This month I want to continue to work on her flat work and hopefully get to ride outside at least once. She also needs to start ramping up her jump schools in technicality so that we can get back to being somewhat competition ready. Come April, our trainer returns and hopefully we get some spring weather so I can start trailering up to her place for jumping things and also (hopefully) schooling Roebke's Run. I'm revamping my competition plans because money is money and doesn't stick around - I want to get her out and get her experienced, which means that I'm probably going to back her down to Starter for Otter Creek spring and then go from there. I want to hit both Roebke's Run competitions (which will get me up to 3 shows...) and I'd love to do Carriage House, as well....

We shall see. 

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