Thursday, July 31, 2014

17. Your equestrian idol

I don't know if I idolize anyone in the horse world - I fangirl and support what they do, but I don't ever find myself saying "I want to be Sinead" or anything like that.

Two top riders I really admire are Sinead Halpin and Allison Springer. Both of them have shown that they have what it takes, thankyouverymuch, and have shown that even when they're down on luck they can go out and show everyone how it's done. I also admire Sinead, in particular, because of Tate's fitness and how keen he is out on course - I really love to see a horse galloping out of stride, and they put down beautiful graceful rides each time I get lucky enough to find a video. Allison was teaching at a local barn and I LOVED her teaching style, and really want to bring Bailey to a clinic next year. Her commitment to forward first really gelled with my style of riding and I liked the way she worked with the riders.

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