Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A House, Not Riding

I'm feeling the need to blog today even though I don't have much to talk about. The course (give or take) from my last post got dragged out again on Sunday - this time with a scary, scary coat draped over our vertical and more width added to the oxer. Bailey, of course, was a delight. She is also extremely hairy, which is making me itch to get my clippers out and go after her before I spend an hour cooling her hot mess of a self out. Foxie is also a mess of hair, as well, but I'm more hesitant to take off her coat, in part, because I ride her so infrequently. She got brought out on Sunday as well, and I am floored again by how FUN she is to ride. Its so nice to ride a reliable, trustworthy horse who is also fantastically trained and BALANCED. Bailey, for all of her fantastic potential and lovely confirmation is still learning to balance, and usually is too lazy to really sit down and do the hard stuff. Spiraling her in is accompanied by the vague sensation that we're going to die; Foxie, for all that she basically has three functional legs, can still SIT and keeps all of the energy contained in her body when she spirals in. It's amazing and super fun to feel, especially when I'm so used to riding the babyface. 

I didn't ride yesterday; due to the past few days of BUSY, I am super tired, and freezing rain + idiots = I didn't want to die trying to get to the barn, especially when I really wasn't feeling awake enough to ride. 

Speaking of the last few days of busy;

Drew and I bought a house! 

Well, he bought it. But I have been firmly informed that it's our house and that I am to think of it as such. I'm absolutely thrilled with our choice, and it's going to be an adventurous few weeks as we paint the lower level, put down new laminate floors for the lower level and then,  ya know... move. Some horse stuff (blankets) has already been moved over to our new garage, so once I get some saddle racks set up I think it will be a perfect base of riding operations. Plus, we'll be much closer to the barn and feed store, which makes life much easier for me, and it will be fun to be closer to the horses once Drew gets further along in his horse-u-cation and starts learning to ride. 

Here's the tour:

Our front door is the one on the right - we also have a door next to our garage door for easy access from the back of the house, even for visitors.
Inside the door you have our open concept dining / living / kitchen. We also have a full bath on the main level, and a nifty closet. 
My kitchen, with view of the front door, dining area (marked by chandelier) and to the left, the living area which is wired for sound / home theater! What you don't see is the pantry (left, behind the photographer) and some awesome deep cabinets that I consider extensions of said pantry (right).
The living room :)

And upstairs we have:

The loft! I am so excited for the fireplace, let me tell you. 
Second bedroom - this is going to be an office for Mr. On Call On Weekends.
Master bath, with hall door and master bedroom door. I am excited for all that space!
Master bedroom - one of the TWO walk in closets for the master is to the right in this photo
And finally, my closet. This is behind you when you look at the above photo of the master. There is so much room for activities!

We've already begun painting and floors will go down next weekend. This weekend I'll be back in the tack for some pony time and doing some moving and shopping while Drew is at Drill. I'm hoping to get most of my stuff moved and leave not only a CLEAN room to present to the helpful friends of ours (male) at my parents, but also only a few things for them to lift that belong to me personally, because the biggest of them is my giant 11 drawer dresser... and it's big, And heavy. And they probably won't like me very much. 

More updates to come - on both the house and the ponies!

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