Monday, July 10, 2017

Lunchtime Sanity Check

Today is the first day of a big test/adventure for me; I'm calling it that in an attempt to be obnoxiously optimistic. Why do I need to be optimistic? Because as of today, I'm a militarily-single mother to 5. Including a puppy with the bladder the size of a teaspoon.

The big brown boy is still a little dismayed, but is enjoying having a brother (though he's too little for rough wrestling still). His name is Knox, and he's a love. He also is a poo and pee ninja, but we're working on it.

The three girls haven't been getting a ton of work; Arya has been ridden once since I got home from SLC and needs a lot more saddle time in general. BB has been ridden... twice? since my last post? including a day I got on her with the bareback pad just to prove to myself I could. I didn't canter, and the trot was so bouncy omg. But I didn't fall off. Arya is working on steering and stopping and not hanging one's mouth open. She's still food aggressive, though some "privacy curtains" between her and Bailey have prevented any wall damage other than the initial time she majorly fucked up the wall between her and Bailey right in front of me and hubs.

Foxie still needs to be put into work, but that may not happen until Hubs is home. He's away at AT for two weeks, which means that the farm is MINE! HAHA! Except not. It also means that I have the 10 week old puppy, a lot of lawn to mow and lots of chores to do all by myself. It's going to be a ton of work, and I'm already exhausted and hubs hasn't even landed at AT yet. My stress levels went through the roof yesterday; a storm rolled in, my horses were bolting around their paddock fighting because I was an hour late to pick stalls and feed, Foxie shredded a fly boot, everyone was a hot mess... it wasn't my best day in a while.

But right now, with two shorthairs snuggling on the dog bed and my belly full of lunch, I'm feeling pretty ok. Mowing and chores and hopefully riding later will be another adventure, but hopefully I can keep it together the next two weeks. Cross your fingers that my boss is understanding and lets me work from home so I can keep this ship sailing (and the puppy on the potty training train). 


  1. B is about to leave for a week and Leo is coming home tomorrow - I'm so nervous! Hopefully the single farm owner life goes relatively smoothly for both of us!

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