Monday, April 17, 2017

Weekend Update & A Birthday

After last week's little to basically no riding, I was more than happy to take my friend J up on her offer to lunge Bailey for me on Thursday. Saturday morning finally arrived and I whisked myself off to the barn early to start taming the dragon (again). After trying to lunge in the freshly watered lower indoor (which was the consistency of a slip-n-slide) I tacked up in dressage clothes and headed up to the upper indoor; it was rainy and had poured overnight, so the farm was muddy, it was still sprinkling and all of my intent to be tough and ride outside was gone. I  tossed B on the lunge line in her halter and got this:

Surprisingly, Bailey (once under saddle) was quite good. I could tell she was really trying to be good - chewing until she looked rabid from all of the foam and being quite through and connected. She was a little spooky, but her canter was particularly adjustable and ride-able. I was quite pleased with her, and she really only got sweaty from her running around vs being stressed or wild under saddle.

Foxie got a quick bareback ride around a pony lesson, and tried to buck me off before doing some very decent trotting work. I can tell she needs some time in her BOT and a schedule to keep her stretching and bending... but that will come.

Because it was the most beautiful day on Sunday, I hauled the hubby back out to the barn to take some photos of the birthday girl (she's 21 TODAY!) and snuck a ride in on Bailey while Foxie got hand grazed by her dad. It was windy, Bails was not even remotely tired from the previous day and the outdoor was apparently full of lots of scary things, because she was quite explosive and distracted. I wasn't wearing full seats, and even a good spritz of saddle tight did nothing for my stickability; we suffered through a quick ride with a few jumps and lots of lid-keeping-on, and I called it a day and let her hand graze for a bit before dinner. I'm looking forward to working her harder today and trying to continue building in the control I need for when she's hot and reactive like this; my riding plans for tonight are probably heading out on XC, but the ground might not be dry enough to do much (stupid spring rain)... so we shall see.

In the mean time, Happy 21st, Fox!

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