Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Teach Me Tuesday: Dressage Girths

I'm relatively new to the dressage girth scene; I bought my first long billeted dressage saddle in late 2014, and ended up with a curved Ovation girth which worked ok until I got into my curved girth craze, and eventually decided to pony up the dollars for a Total Saddle Fit girth.

Now, I bought a 28, because B was going in a 28 (which had stretched, who knew?) and I figured it would work out. And it does securely hold my saddle to my horse.

But where the heck is a proper dressage girth supposed to sit? I understand that buckles should be above the elbows for obvious anatomical reasons... but the whole long pad / billets with varying ideas of where the holes should be / girth length thing has me confused.

I get that this is bad:

Shamelessly stolen image from Amerigo... 
But what does good look like??

It may just be my weirdo saddle, but my current 28" TSF sits with 1-2 extra holes on top, and that's it. Is it too long? 

TSF at Otter Creek last year:

Help me, internet!

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