Monday, January 9, 2017

Rides of 2017 (thus far)

I've been riding in the new year, but despite my best intentions, I have no new media or other exciting stuff.

My first two rides of the new year were seriously dampened by full arenas causing problems. And then it was cold as all get out, and my horses, who probably weren't benefiting much from an iced-over paddock, were left inside intermittently for the last week and have been a minor level of psycho.

Also a Weatherbeeta Model, but mostly an energetic crazy thing

New Years day and the 3rd were both cut short by arenas being over full, so I basically got walk trot and canter in on my girls without really getting to work on much. Foxie has been super sore lately, which is crappy and I feel bad that since I can't be out much this week due to Hubby travelling, she doesn't get to wear her Back on Track sheet despite my resolutions to use my therapy items more.

Friday's ride included Bailey losing her mind and becoming a leaping, dancing porpoise instead of a horse. She was spooky, but also so stir crazy that I felt bad for her. She wanted to be good, but holding it together (especially as we switched to a much colder arena half way through our ride) was about as much as she could manage. Yesterday was more of the same - Bailey was steadier, but still had an epic spook/sideways bolting meltdown which she impressively recovered from, but never really felt settled or like she wanted to work. Foxie was again, super sore through her hind end and we spent our entire ride trying to get her canter to a 3-beat gait. She was super both rides, but  I feel bad that she's so sore and stiff through her body. It's not easy being 21!

21 years of cute, even when standing awkwardly.

Exciting things are in the future, though: hopefully more riding and less sharing the arena with idiots, and a new-to-me super exciting item that should be arriving tonight... and should inspire an entire Back On Track related post ;) 


  1. Ugh sharing the arena is so hard sometimes!!! I've been at busy lesson barns for the past couple of years and it really can get super old after awhile....

    1. I can ride around small children who generally stay on the rail, but the one lady who seemed bound and determined to walk in a circle or stop and back up any time she could get in my way made me want to throw things... I kind of miss when Bailey had a "bad reputation" for violently spooking over/through anything in her path because at least people moved when we were coming! XD
